All-Natural Bat-Nip’ Pheromone Spray

4 Fluid Ounces Bat House Attractant Spray
$24.99 USD

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Once you install one of our Uncle Dunkels handcrafted bat shelter boxes, you can’t exactly put a welcome mat out to let your neighborhood bats that it’s ready for occupancy. Instead, try our safe, effective bat-nip’ bat lure spray! Bats are very sensitive to scent and are naturally curious creatures. Simply spray the bottom of the bat house a few times every month and wait for your nocturnal visitors to move in

Benefits of Owning a Bat House
All natural insect contro1 (bats eat mosquitos!)
Pollination assistance - it’s not just the birds and the bees!
Natural fertilizer - guano or “bat poop” acts as a nutrition-filled fertilizer for your plants
Bat conservation - give a bat a safe place to live and procreate after habitat destruction

Packaged in glass bottle with fine mist sprayer top
Amount: 4 fluid ounces
Ingredients: Bat pheromone based formula - no ammonia or guano added
Shelf life: If stored in a cool place, this spray will last 12 months
Cruelty free - no animals were harmed in the production of this product
Made in the USA, small batch hand-blended for freshness
Care Instructions

Clean regularly


2.400 x 1.700 x 5.600


0.3 lb